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Artist David Kapsella aka Kapsella Artist born in the Czech Republic, his favorites are Abstraction and Impressionism. He visited a lot of galleries abroad, including the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum in Rome, so that he could look and be inspired. Admirer of a wide range of art including sculptors and other artists. At the age of 13, Kapsella Artist had to decide which school he was going to study at, he himself thought about art school, but everything turned out differently and he went to study as a chef and waiter. In the end, he never made a living as a cook, and years later he discovered that what he enjoys most is art. He caught up with everything as an adult, when he paid for several monthly online courses led by professional painters, including foreign ones from, for example, Italy and the USA. He has had many successful solo exhibitions. Winner and prize holder in amateur international art competition ( Top 5 - 2024 ).